Rinse the lentils and place in a small sauce pan along with the bouillon. Fill up with water. Cook for roughly 15-20 min, or until soft but with a slight bite. Drain and let cool slightly.
Chop parsley and mint and add to the lentils. Also add lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, honey, salt & pepper. Stir to combine. Set aside.
Cut the ends off the asparagus. Heat a little butter to a skillet, then gently fry the asaparagus until browned and softened.
Also slice halloumi and cook in a little oil or butter until browned.
Arrange 4-5 asaparaguses on serving plates, top with lentil salad and a few pieces of halloumi. Drizzle with a little honey on top. OR arrange it all on a big sharing plate. Enjoy warm.